
Bitcoin to Be Made Legal tender In Arizona


A Bill, SB 1341 was introduced by Wendy Rogers, a Republican State senator. In the bill, Rogers wanted that the list of accepted legal tenders should be amended, and Bitcoin should be added to the list. This amendment will mean that Bitcoin could be used in the state for payment of the debt, public charges, taxes, and other dues. 

If this law could go into effect, is still in question as the US constitution doesn’t allow states to create their legal tender. 

For the bill to become a law, it is needed to be passed from the Arizona state senate and house before Gov. Doug Ducey. 

Another Republican, Don Huffines, who is also a candidate for Texas Governor, has said that if he is elected, he would make Bitcoin tender. 

Disclaimer: The article should not be considered as any financial advice. It is advisable to conduct thorough research before investing.

Photo by – petre_barlea on Pixabay