
‘Apple’ Finds a Lot Of Potential In Metaverse


“According to the CEO of Apple, Tim Cook, metaverse has a lot of potentials and their company is looking to invest in it accordingly. As per the predictions made by global investment bank Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, metaverse could be an opportunity of $8 trillion.”

CEO Tim Cook believes that metaverse has a lot of potential

Recently CEO of Apple, Tim Cook highlighted how they are an organization that has always been in favor of innovation. Thus, they are always keen on exploring new and emerging technologies. Talking about metaverse Cook said that this area seems to be very interesting to them. 

Many people have estimated that the potential size of metaverse would be in multitrillion dollars. Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, the global investment bank, have estimated that the metaverse would be an $8 trillion market opportunity. 

Disclaimer: The article should not be considered as any financial advice. It is advisable to conduct thorough research before investing.

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