
Crypto Wallets Being Rolled Out By Robinhood to Select Customers


“1000 crypto wallets are being rolled out by trading platform Robinhood. Now users can send and receive money from their crypto wallets to external crypto wallets. In March, 10,000 more wallets will get tested before rolling out the rest wallets.”

1000 Crypto wallets are tested by Robinhood

Robinhood, a popular trading platform has recently announced that its crypto wallet beta version has gone live.

The trading platform has also explained that by March they will expand the testing to 10,000 customers before rolling it out for all. 

The company also highlighted that in the new wallets the customers will be allowed to send and receive cryptocurrencies from external wallets. For withdrawals, there is a daily limit of $2,999 and a maximum of 10 transactions will be allowed. 

Robinhood also revealed plans of implementing QR scanning to improve the transaction history interface. 

Around 1.6 million people have signed up for the wallet at the Robinhood platform. 

Disclaimer: The article should not be considered as any financial advice. It is advisable to conduct thorough research before investing.

Photo by – RoyBuri on Pixabay