
Around $435 Million Worth of Cryptocurrency Seized


UK Police has recently revealed, the total amount, of cryptocurrencies seized in the last five years, by them, in response to Freedom of Information requests; Most were seized by London Metropolitan Police.  

Crypto Seized Information Revealed by UK Police

In the last five years, 12 of the UK’s police forces, have seized $435 million worth of cryptocurrency from criminal investigations. 

Out of the total cryptocurrency seized, Bitcoin was worth 99.9% of the total value. Other cryptocurrencies seized were Ethereum, Monero, ZCash, and Dash.  

The most cryptocurrency was seized by the London Metropolitan Police, which was able to seize around $398 million worth of Bitcoin. Around $33 million was seized by the Greater Manchester Police. 

In information shared by the US tax authority, the IRS (Internal revenue Service), it was revealed that around $3.5 billion in crypto was seized during the fiscal year 2021. The agency is also expecting to seize billions of dollars more this year.  

Disclaimer: The article is meant for the educational purpose only and in no way it should be considered as financial advice. Own research on the topic is advisable.

Photo by sergeitokmakov on Pixabay