Intel’s Compliance Chief Sydney Majalya is the new Chief Risk Officer at Binance US.
“The affiliate of Binance US on Thursday tweeted that they have hired the Intel’s Compliance Chief ‘Sydney Majalya’ as their new Chief Risk Officer who will directly report to CEO of Binance US, Brian Schroder, from January 2022.”
The Binance US on Thursday announced that they have hired a new Chief Risk Officer for boosting their compliance division and Intel’s Chief Risk Officer Sydney Majalya is their choice. After the appointment of Schroder as CEO in October, Majalya is the first executive that has been appointed by Schroder in the Risk Division. The Sydney Majalya will act as the Chief Risk Officer and will directly report to the CEO as per the tweet of Binance US affiliate.
The appointment of Majalya came as the progress of Binance for the effective compliance towards the regulations being planned by the US Government. As Majalya is the former federal antitrust attorney and has been managing Uber’s and Oracle’s compliance offices in the past. He is also working as the vice president of the chief compliance office of Intel. In January 2022, when Majalya will join Binance US, he will spearhead the compliance division with his vast experience in the compliance sector and this could be pivotal as the US regulatory authority is putting pressure on the developing crypto industry.
On Thursday in a statement Majalya said “Binance.US is deeply committed to compliance, and our priority is to maintain and grow a world-class compliance and risk organization that earns the utmost confidence and trust of our customers, investors, and regulators.”
Disclaimer: The article is meant for the educational purpose only and in no way it should be considered as financial advice. Own research on the topic is advisable.
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